Monday, July 19, 2010

Video Blog

This weekend was another fun weekend at the lake.  I didn't take the camera, so you're not getting any fun lake pictures.  Too bad! :)  Instead, you're getting some cute video footage.  I'm trying to insert these from YouTube, so please be patient.  If you like the videos, you should subscribe to our YouTube channel.

This first video is Ledger putting wooden clothespins in an empty cup.  Our "Parents as Teachers" family consultant told us that this would be a good activity to work on to refine his fine motor skills.  This is our first try at this activity -- he figured it out right away.  I guess we'll move on to the 15-month activity. :)

Ledger figured out how to stab a Cheerio with a fork and put it in his mouth.  Yet another major fine motor skill...

Last video: Ledger laughs at EVERYTHING when he's tired.


  1. We have played thjujum9ymhhhhhhhhhh <- Jonas typed that.
    We have played these videos over and over because Jonas wants to go see the baby he says. He wants to play with Ledger. ha VERY CUTE. I keep smiling when he laughs at the heels click and at the end of putting the pins in the Bogey's cup. ahhh Bogeys.

  2. Thanks for the video...always need a good dose of Ledger laughing! Love you guys!

  3. Omg, what adorable videos! I have been laughing right along with Ledger. He is so smart! I loved his laugh when putting the clothespins in the cup! Priceless! Love ya!
