Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Who's Not Two?!

Ledger turns two tomorrow.  But you couldn't convince me that he's not already into the terrible twos.  Here's a video of one of his two-year tantrums -- this one because he didn't want to get into the car seat.


  1. Lol! I only laugh because a) I completely know how that goes. B) that is nothing, just wait 3's are the new 2's and c) I'm so glad it is not just my boys :). I love seeing all sides of Ledger.

  2. So upset he messed up his own hair...gosh. Tough times, hugs to you both!

  3. Ledger is spending the night with Oma and Dodah tonight and I think this video clip must be a fake. He's been a perfect little boy tonight!

  4. Well, that certainly isn't the little boy that I know. And look how tired he is ~ just rubbing and rubbing those eyes. That's why he was so upset, don't you think? LOL He will have moments like that, it is guaranteed! :)
