Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ledger's First Birthday - 12 Month Photos

Today my son turned 12 months old!  Can you believe it?

Here is a little bit about what has happened in the last month:
  • Ledger weighs 21.8 pounds.  He is nearing the 22-pound weight limit on his car seat, so this week we are switching him to his new, big, convertible car seat.
  • The kid IS WALKING everywhere!  Seriously.
  • We are feeling like we are getting things under control with Ledger's food allergies.
  • He has finally become an "easy" laugher.  He will laugh at just about anything Daddy does.


  1. One year old today, now that is unbelievable. Happy birthday Ledger! We'll soon be on our way for a visit big boy! Love and miss you all, Boompa and Boomma

  2. It was so much fun to play with Ledger today for a little while. Hard to believe he is one! Thanks for sharing a bite of the "trial" birthday cake - I thought it was good. Can't wait for the big party on Saturday! YEA, Ledger! Love you my "boo-baby"!
