Sunday, October 18, 2009


As of this evening, I can officially feel a sharp little tooth just beneath Ledger's gum line. It hasn't peeked through yet, but you can see a little white stripe under the gums. This will be his lower, front left tooth. I know that lots of time, these teeth float up and then disappear back down again... but it's so exciting!!! He's been teething for months now, so maybe he's actually going to produce some teeth soon!


  1. Congratulations to Ledger on his first tooth! Grandpa & Grammie are very excited about that!

  2. Yea! First tooth. Ouch Boobie. :)

  3. Congrats Ledger! I keep promising him cookies when I see him, soon he'll know what I'm talking about...which will it be...M&M, ginger snaps or sugar cookies (Boom-pa's favorite)? What will be Ledger's favorite?!

  4. It's true teeth are a good thing, but I will always cherish those adorable gummy smiles! Can't help it!!
